Politics within the Madonna and Virtues

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Detail of Fortitude from Enthroned Virgin and Child.

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Detail of Temperance from Enthroned Virgin and Child.

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Detail of the crown of the Madonna from Enthroned Virgin and Child.

The Church of Santa Maria, located in Monzón, Spain, held a special significance for the Catalan government. Between the 13th and 16th centuries, the Cortes of Catalan were often convened by the current monarch to meet in Sta. Maria.[1] It became a hub of legislative action for the Generalitat. In an effort to fabricate a space that called upon the religious nature of the Church, as well as its political ties, the men of the government turned to their favored artist, Bernardo Martorell.

The Madonna was an extremely important figure within Catalan Government. It was believed that the Madonna was in fact both the ruler and protector of Barcelona. Many buildings where government members met had at least one representation of her within their chamber space. Scholars have theorized that the Madonna, as well, could have been a representation of hope for political stability and economic growth under King Alfonso V. At the time of the creation of Enthroned Virgin and Child the Aragonese Empire was thrown into political unrest at the death of their previous king, Duarte. For the members of the Cortes the calm, unwavering nature of the Madonna - who loved and protected their Barcelona - would have been a welcome sight as they worked to correct legislation to better the Aragonese confederation.

Martorell emphasizes the written word throughout Enthroned Virgin and Child. Christ is seen, seated on the lap of his mother, reading from a phylactery; while the two unidentified figures at the bottom of the piece clutch illegible scrolls. The heavy presence of writing is thought to indicate the role the Madonna serves as the guide and protector of 'those who formulate the secular laws'.[2] The members of the Cortes, who commissioned the work, worked primarily with legislation making the Martorell's use of written word in combination with the Madonna a pointed plea that she guides them.

By far the most political aspect of the piece is the inclusion of the Cardinal Virtues. Throughout their long history, the virtues have been used to represent many things, however most common during this period in Medieval history their


1. Grizzard, Mary. "An Identification of Martorell's Commission for the Aragonese Corts." The Art Bulletin 64.2 (1982): 311-14. Web.

2. Grizzard, Mary. Bernardo Martorell. Ann Arbor, MI: U.M.I., Dissertation Information Service, 1989. Print. (p 212).

Politics within the Madonna and Virtues